Home » NFT » A Milestone for Pudgy Penguin Toys: Over 1 million Sold in Past Year

A Milestone for Pudgy Penguin Toys: Over 1 million Sold in Past Year

The Pudgy Penguins NFT project has reached an amazing milestone. They have sold more than 1 million Pudgy Penguin toys in the past 12 months. 

Pudgy Penguins celebrates over 1 million toys sold globally in the past year.
Source: Coinbackyard

Key Takeaways 

  • Pudgy Penguins celebrates a remarkable milestone with over 1 million toys sold globally in the past year. 
  • CEO Luca Schnetzler expresses surprise at the surge in toy sales, attributing it to a “Consumer Crypto revolution” led by the lovable penguins. 
  • Pudgy Penguins’ expansion into major retailers like Target underscores its growing popularity beyond the digital realm. 
  • Despite initial challenges, including accusations against the former founder, Schnetzler’s acquisition for $2.5 million revived the project’s prospects. 
  • The unique royalty model allows NFT holders to earn 5% royalties on sales of physical products featuring their specific Pudgy Penguin design. 
  • The NFT versions themselves have gained significant value, with one recently selling for $1.17 million. 
  • While sales volume peaked in mid-February, Pudgy Penguins still maintains a strong average daily sales rate. 
  • Pudgy Penguins ranks 12th for total NFT sales value over the past week, demonstrating its enduring popularity. 
  • The partnership with Unstoppable Domains introduces “.pudgy” domains, offering new possibilities for NFT owners to connect their digital assets with web domains. 
  • With its impressive success and ongoing growth, Pudgy Penguins remains a dominant force in the NFT market, showing no signs of slowing down. 


The project’s CEO, Luca Schnetzler, shared the exciting news. He said Pudgy Penguins toy sales have surged tremendously. Their toys are now available at retailers worldwide. 

Schnetzler seemed surprised that “fat flightless birds” are leading a Consumer Crypto revolution. He shared the sales milestone on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). 

This comes after the recent announcement that Pudgy Toys with Pudgy World are now sold at major US retailer Target. 

The Pudgy Penguins collection features 8,888 colorful penguin avatars. It became popular after launching in 2021. But it initially faced challenges and accusations of a “rug pull” against the former founder. 

In 2022, Schnetzler bought the brand for $2.5 million, reviving its prospects. Pudgy Penguins then expanded beyond just digital NFTs. Stuffed toy versions hit stores like Walmart and Target. 

This move into physical products has contributed greatly to the project’s ongoing success. 

Unique Royalty Model 

One unique aspect is Pudgy Penguins’ royalty model. NFT holders earn 5% royalties on net revenues from sales of any physical products featuring their specific Pudgy Penguin design. 

The NFT versions themselves have become very valuable too. Their current floor price on OpenSea is around $37,580 (12.87 ETH). 

One impressive recent sale was Penguin #6873 for about $1.17 million (400 ETH). 

Sales volume peaked in mid-February at 439 sales per day averaging 20 ETH each. While it has declined slightly, Pudgy Penguins still averages around 269 daily sales as of early May. 

Over the past week, it ranks 12th for total NFT sales value at $2.2 million on CryptoSlam. 

Pudgy Penguins Partners With Unstoppable Domains 

In February, Pudgy Penguins partnered with Unstoppable Domains to introduce “.pudgy” domains. 

Customers can now buy top-level “.pudgy” domain names associated with their Pudgy NFTs. This allows sending/receiving web3 messages, making crypto payments between domains, and collecting exclusive utility badges. 

“We are thrilled to welcome the innovative, strong Pudgy Penguins brand into our family,” said Unstoppable Domains COO Sandy Carter. 

Pudgy Penguins has achieved remarkable success with over 1 million physical toys sold globally in just 1 year. Its unique NFT utilities and brand growth show no signs of slowing down. 

May 19, 2024 at 02:00 am

Updated May 19, 2024 at 02:00 am


Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. (Please keep in mind that this post is solely for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.)


NFTs are unique digital assets stored on blockchains, representing various digital items.

To create a unique NFT, you mint it by uploading a digital file to a blockchain platform.

NFTs can be a good investment for collectors, but research and understanding risks are essential.

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