Home » NFT » NFT Community Divided Over Claire Silver’s Call for Royalty Reform

NFT Community Divided Over Claire Silver’s Call for Royalty Reform

In a recent online post, renowned artist Claire Silver raised concerns about decreasing artist engagement and market dynamics in the NFT art world due to lower royalty payments.

Key PointsDetails
Claire Silver’s Concerns
  • Decrease in artist engagement and market dynamics
  • Lower royalty payments impact artist earnings
  • Lack of incentive for older collections

  • ThankYouX’s Perspective
  • Blames platforms and speculators for shortsightedness
  • Optimistic about potential positive shifts in the future
  • Community Debate
  • Some oppose Silver’s call for royalty reform
  • Highlight disparities between established and emerging artists
  • Others emphasize the ongoing relevance of royalties

  • ConclusionThe debate underscores the complexities within the NFT art community regarding royalty payments.
    Claire Silver discussing NFT royalty reform while the NFT community debates.
    Source: https://www.techopedia.com/

    Royalties are payments artists receive from secondary sales. Silver argues that reducing or eliminating this income reduces artists’ earnings and discourages their participation, leading to a less vibrant NFT industry.

    She explained how royalty cuts have led artists to undervalue the concept of scarcity in their works, providing no incentive for older collections, only new ones. Silver expressed disappointment, calling the space “shortsighted.”

    Moreover, she outlined the ripple effects of royalty decisions: “The influx of artists stopped, so the enthusiasm waned, prices dropped, collectors lost interest, and suddenly we have a ghost town instead of a thriving community.”

    Despite Silver’s plea to reinstate royalties, many in the NFT community disagreed, sparking a lively debate on social media.

    Prominent Figures Weigh In

    ThankYouX, a celebrated artist paying tribute to Andy Warhol with graffiti-inspired art, reflected on Silver’s post. He suggested that platforms and speculators prioritizing short-term gains over sustainable artistic ecosystems share the blame for the situation.

    He commented, “The entire community wasn’t shortsighted. Many collectors and artists wanted to build something new and beautiful here. It’s the flippers and platforms that were shortsighted and harmed themselves.”

    Despite concerns, ThankYouX remains optimistic. He believes that if platforms like OpenSea were to shut down, it could lead to positive changes. He also praised platforms like Magic Eden for respecting and enforcing royalty agreements.

    OpenSea faced backlash for discontinuing its royalty enforcement tool last summer.

    Diverse Opinions

    On social media, numerous voices opposed Silver’s viewpoint. One member argued that blaming royalty mechanics is shortsighted. They pointed out that royalties primarily benefit established artists like Silver while struggling artists find it challenging to make initial sales.

    Others supported the importance of royalties. Avichal from Electric Capital highlighted that marketplaces pay out significant sums in royalties weekly, emphasizing their relevance despite differing trading volumes.

    The debate surrounding royalties in the NFT art world continues, showcasing the varied perspectives and complexities within the web3 community.

    May 25, 2024 at 02:00 pm

    Updated May 25, 2024 at 02:00 pm


    Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. (Please keep in mind that this post is solely for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.)


    Claire Silver is concerned that lower royalty payments are decreasing artist engagement and market dynamics in the NFT art world. She believes that reducing or eliminating royalties negatively impacts artist earnings and discourages participation, leading to a less vibrant industry.

    The NFT community is divided over Claire Silver's call for royalty reform. Some members oppose her viewpoint, arguing that royalties mainly benefit established artists, while others emphasize the importance of royalties for sustaining the NFT ecosystem.

    ThankYouX, another prominent artist, believes that platforms and speculators prioritizing short-term gains are to blame for the current situation. He remains optimistic about potential positive changes and praises platforms like Magic Eden for respecting royalty agreements.

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