Home » Latest News » Juan Tacuri Pleads Guilty: Crypto Ponzi Schemer

Juan Tacuri Pleads Guilty: Crypto Ponzi Schemer

Juan Tacuri, a senior promoter of a global crypto Ponzi scheme, has pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a U.S. court. Tacuri worked for Forcount, a company claiming to engage in crypto mining and trading. They promised investors guaranteed returns from these activities.

U.S. authorities exposed Forcount’s lies. The company never engaged in legitimate cryptocurrency trading or mining. Instead, founders and promoters used new victim funds to pay old victims. They also enriched themselves.

Juan Tacuri in a courtroom pleading guilty to a crypto Ponzi scheme.
Source: Coinbackyard

Forcount heavily targeted retail investors. They promised financial freedom. Investors saw supposed profits in their online accounts. But, most couldn’t withdraw their assets. Many lost all their money.

As complaints grew, Forcount sold a proprietary token called Mindexcoin. They claimed it would inject liquidity into the scheme. These tokens turned out worthless, causing further financial loss.

Juan Tacuri admitted his role in the scheme. As part of the plea, he agreed to forfeit nearly $4 million and some real estate. He will be sentenced on September 24.

“Juan Tacuri exploited retail investors with a fake investment opportunity,” said Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney. “He amassed millions in victim funds and spent lavishly on luxury goods and real estate.”

This case highlights the risks of Ponzi schemes in the crypto market. Investors should always conduct thorough research. Regulatory oversight remains crucial to protect investors from fraud. Tacuri’s sentencing will bring some closure to the victims.

June 7, 2024 at 10:19 am

Updated June 7, 2024 at 10:19 am

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