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Lingo’s Token Will Have Its Public Presale

Lingo is excited to announce the Public Presale for its token, LINGO. This marks a significant step for Lingo, a project aiming to build a gamified, Real-World Assets (RWA)-powered rewards ecosystem. Here’s what you need to know about Lingo and what participants can expect. 

Lingo Token Public Presale Announcement
Source: https://avark.agency/case-studies/lingo-website/

Key Takeaways: 



Public Presale 

June 27, 2024 



Key Partners 

Magic Eden, Travala, Fizen 


3,000+ brands (Spotify, Netflix, Starbucks, etc.) 

Private Round Funding 

$12 million raised 

User Base 

700,000 active users 


Experts from Binance, ConsenSys, Google 


Morningstar Ventures, GBV Capital, and more 

Launch Date 

Q3 2024 

How It Works 

Lingo’s model offers community rewards supported by Real-World Assets. The platform reinvests fees into RWAs, ensuring consistent value and growth in the rewards pool. This approach mixes gamification with real-world benefits, making it unique in the crypto space. 

The RWA Movement 

Lingo is one of the headliners of the Real-World Assets (RWA) movement. Its investors manage over $3 billion in assets. Built on Base and Solana, Lingo uses RWAs to provide real rewards through its innovative ecosystem. With the rising interest in RWAs, Lingo is set to lead this new frontier in the crypto industry. 

Public Presale Details 

  • Sale Platform: Official Lingo website mylingo.io 
  • Launch Date: June 27, 2024, at 11 AM EST, 5 PM CET, 11 PM HK 

Benefits for Lingo Island Participants 

Lingo Islands, a recent SocialFi campaign, went viral on crypto Twitter. It gathered over 8 million tweets and half a million participants in just four weeks. Participants holding First Class, Business Class, Priority Pass, and Economy Pass tickets receive special pricing, priority access, and increased allocation chances. 

Community and Network Growth 

Lingo has made significant progress in building its community and network: 

  • Private Round: Raised $12 million, with $35 million in oversubscription 
  • User Base: 700,000 active users 
  • Support: Google Cloud Web3 Startup Program grant 
  • Global Brand: $50 million in branding contracts with celebrities like Kingsley Coman, Bryan Habana, and P-Square 

The Lingo Team 

Lingo’s team includes experts from top companies like Binance, ConsenSys, and Google.  Advisors include Duncan Murray (ex-BlackRock), Rachel Howes (ex-Managing Director at Booking), Paul Bunting (SMB Director at Microsoft), and Adrien Delaroche (Principal Web3 at Google). 

Investors and Partners 

Lingo is supported by leading investors such as Morningstar Ventures, GBV Capital, Zerostage Capital, Solidity Ventures, and Maven Capital. Strategic investors include influencers like Carl The Moon, Altcoin Daily, Ivan on Tech, Brian Jung, and Miles Deutscher. 

Lingo on a Journey 

Lingo aims to revolutionize mainstream crypto adoption by offering potential real-world rewards. Users interested in joining this journey can follow Lingo’s official channels for updates on the public presale and how to participate. 

By joining Lingo, users can be part of a project that combines the excitement of gamification with the tangible benefits of real-world rewards.

June 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Updated June 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm


Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. (Please keep in mind that this post is solely for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.)


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